Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Been thinking this morning about all this technology that has been taking over our lives.   I think some of it is great, but I think there are many pitfalls, and we had best be aware of them.  

This whole movement toward being a paperless society.   I believe we need the printed word, because as with all technology, they upgrade, make new versions and then we can't access the information on the old technology.   I have first hand knowledge of that.   You buy a CD with genealogical information on it.   But it doesn't work on a newer computer.  So, unless you know someone who knows how to access it, the CD is worthless and you have just lost all that information you paid good money for.  Same for any other fancy technological device.  

But books are around forever.   And what a pleasure it is to hold a book in your hand.

So you can tell I'm not a kid, eh?    

Jan. 24th, 8:30 p. m.  Decided to write a little bit tonight.   Spent a lot of the day at the historical society inventorying things that have come in this month.   A number of scrap books, and lots of pictures, some in frames and some not.   Will finish up with that tomorrow and then go on to some other good things.   Seeing as we are open tomorrow it might be too busy for me to work on my death project from the newspapers.  Will see.

The deaths from the newspaper:  The time frame is 1848 into 1899.  And trying to find out where these people are buried.  When I do I type in the cemetery.  But there are many either with no stones (or the stones are gone) or just have not found what town they may be buried in.  In 1885 Sexton (or burial) records were required to be kept by the towns.   But before that if the person did not have a stone it is very difficult to find out where they are buried.  The paper sometimes gives that information which adds another plus. 

Before I started this project I didn't think of how difficult it can be to find someones death place if they are buried in a town other than where they died.   So, you know the place of burial as they have a gravestone but there is no record of death at the town hall.   Or you do have the death record but it does not say where the person was buried.   By working on these deaths/obits I am trying to fill the gap in town records and help everyone.

Enough for tonight.   Welcome any comments.

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